COVID-19 employee training when you go home protect those you live with.

Work during the pandemic means taking risks. Not only do you risk infection, you risk infecting others too. Considering, each COVID-19 infected person spreads it to two or more people. Probably, you will infect those you see the most. If infected at work, you are likely to infect your home. For this reason, your workplace controls do not end when you leave. Your COVID-19 employee training when you go home covers what to do.


At home decontamination procedures begin before you leave work. To initiate the process, wash your hands before you leave. Before entering your car, remove outerwear. Inside your car, use sanitizer before touching anything. If riding public transit, wear PPE gloves, safety glasses and face masks.

When you arrive home, do not enter with your shoes on. Leave shoes outside and preferably out of reach. Carefully, disinfect your soles without touching them. A Center for Disease Control (CDC) study found shoes carried COVID-19. Over half of Wuhan, China hospital workers had COVID-19 on their soles. To prevent tracking coronavirus through your home, leave your shoes outside. Shoes put anyone crawling, laying or playing on the floor at risk. Reinforce the importance of this critical COVID-19 employee control.


Once inside, make note of anything you touch before washing your hands. To get started, isolate everything you bring home to disinfect. This includes your phone, eyeglasses, and everything your touched. Before you begin, properly wash your hands. Next, disinfect the things you isolated then wash your hands again. After disinfecting personal items, focus on what you touched when you arrived. Disinfect doorknobs, drawers, cupboards, faucets and all things touched.


When you can, wash your clothes. If washing your clothes is not an option, hang them outside. When outside is not possible, hang them next to a window. Expose your clothes to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. If you cannot hang clothes, store them in a paper bag. Above all, do not put them in a plastic bag. Coronavirus can live up to a week in plastic. Additionally, do not put them in your closet or dresser drawers either. If you do, you contaminate your other clothes. To contain COVID-19, assume clothes worn on-the-job are infected. When you return home, absolutely contain your work clothes to protect others.


After your clothes are contained and things you touched disinfected, shower. When a bath or shower is not possible, take a sponge bath. For disinfection, use soap with plenty of lather and friction. Wash your hands, face, nostrils and around your eyes. Once clean, wear freshly laundered or uncontaminated clothes. Before joining your loved ones, gargle with saltwater, lemon juice or antiseptic. COVID-19 initially infects your mouth, sinuses and eyes. To reduce the likelihood of infection, make these areas your focus.

In your COVID-19 employee training, include an employee’s at home procedures. As with self-checks and hygiene, the coronavirus is so highly contagious. Take added precautions against infecting your home. To keep everyone you live with safe, apply similar controls used on-the-job. As part of COVID-19 employee training, this critical vulnerability cannot be overlooked. At risk are the lives of those closest to you. COVID-19 employee training when you go home reduces risks of infecting others.

COVID-19 employee training materials and instructor handbook

Act now to prevent COVID-19 in the workplace. Get ready with our proven COVID-19 Employee Training materials and Instructor Guide. Set up training with consideration for social distance, ventilation and PPE. Leverage single-use training materials. Prevention, hygiene, health and PPE it’s all there. Print and you’re ready to train. It’s a complete kit — Ready to go!